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The Greens - Ready Hour Freeze-Dried Broccoli / Freeze-Dried Corn / Freeze-Dried Green Beans / Mashed Potatoes

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Product Code: RH-VEG
Quantity in Stock Quantity in Stock: IN STOCK
Our Price: $24.64
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The Greens - Ready Hour Freeze-Dried Broccoli / Freeze-Dried Corn / Freeze-Dried Green Beans / Mashed Potatoes


Ready Hour Freeze Dried Broccoli is an excellent addition to any food supply plan. Add it to your favorite casseroles, keep on hand for that last minute vegetable item should the need arise where you cannot get to a grocery store. So many uses for broccoli, you can garnish with it, pack a snack, or serve as a side dish. All of our products have a long-lasting shelf life. Our Broccoli lasts up to 30 years unopened, and one year once you open the can. Store it in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity.


Knowing you need veggies as part of your healthy diet, we created the Ready Hour Freeze Dried Process to lock in all the nutrients as fresh as day one. Our corn requires no freezer or fridge. Don't go hungry or lose nutrients when you need energy to survive any emergency situation. You can store our product for up to 30 years unopened, and one year once you open the can. Store it in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity.


Green beans are among the most sought after vegetables in stir-fry, stews, and grilled-salads. They mix well with cheese, meats, etc. Green Beans have a high source of fiber. Like all legumes, beans are rich in vegetable protein. Ready Hour's freeze-dehydration method locks in the fresh flavor and excellent nutrition.


Ready Hour Mashed Potatoes are a perfect addition to your family meal. Use them as a side dish, to top your Shepherd’s Pie, or as your main dish with meat and gravy on top. Our mashed potatoes lasts up to 25 years unopened, and one year once you open the can. Store it in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity.