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Sticky Holsters LG-6 Short Sticky Holster

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Product Code: 858426004153
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List Price: $29.95
MSRP: $29.95
Sale Price: Sale Price: $22.95
Savings: $7.00
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Sticky Holsters LG-6 Short Sticky HolsterDesigned for larger framed Automatics with a 3" or 4" barrel. These holsters have an ambidextrous fit for equal accessibility for right and left handers.Sticky Holsters allow you to deploy and adjust your firearm in seconds. No bulky clips or straps to get in the way. Their lightweight holsters weigh less than 3 oz. and the closed-end design keeps lint and dust out, while keeping gun oil off of you. Body heat and use conforms holster to your gun, so your holster fit will continue to improve with use.HOLSTER FITS THE FOLLOWING GUNS:Sig Sauer P239Beretta PX4 Storm CompactRuger P95Springfield Armory XD CompactSmith and Wesson 3913Beretta PX4 Storm CompactSig Sauer SP 2340Sig Sauer P239Browning Pro-9Smith and Wesson 5904Heckler & Koch P30Heckler & Koch HK45 CompactHeckler & Koch P2000Heckler & Koch P2000 SKHeckler & Koch USP CompactGlock G30ArmaLite Inc. AR 24K-13ArmaLite Inc. AR 24K-10CBeretta CougarSig Sauer P228Bersa Thunder 9 UCBersa Thunder Pro 9 UCBersa Thunder Pro 40 UCBersa Thunder Pro 45 UCArmscor MAP1 MSArmscor MAPP1 MSBUL Ltd. G.Cherokee CompactJimenez J.A. NineJimenez LC380STI International GP5FN FNP 45FN FNP 9FN FNP 40FN FNX-9Taurus 24/7 CompactSpringfield Armory XD Sub-compactSig Sauer P250 COMPACTSig Sauer P250 SUBCOMPACTSig Sauer P229Taurus Millenium 145Taurus Millenium 745