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RISE Armament Anti-Walk Trigger & Hammer Pins

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Product Code: 12005
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Our Price: $14.99
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RISE Armament Anti-Walk Trigger & Hammer Pins

The RISE Armament Anti Walk Trigger Pins ensure secure installation of your drop-in trigger. They also improve the reliability of your rifle by eliminating the tendency for standard pins to “walk out” over time.
The RISE Anti Walk Trigger Pins set includes all of the following:
  • One (1) trigger pin
  • One (1) hammer pin,
  • Four (4) screws
  • Two (2) Allen wrenches for easy installation
  • Pin diameter .154 inches
  • Pin material: Stainless steel
  • Backed by lifetime guarantee
  • Made in America
The torque spec on the screw is 11 inch-pounds maximum; however, 8 inch-pounds of torque is the recommended amount.

Note: The external width of AR receivers varies in the trigger/hammer pin area, depending on the manufacturer. If the pins are too long for your receiver, you may shorten the pins a small amount by carefully filing material evenly from both ends of the pins. However, this is not required. Longer pins will not affect the function or performance of the rifle.