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6" 5.56 Pistol Length Barrel

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Product Code: KM-556-6-MED-P
Stock Status Stock Status: Out of Stock
Our Price: $145.00
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6" 5.56 Pistol Length Barrel

  • Length - 6"
  • Material - 4150 Chrome Moly Vanadium
  • Profile - Meduim
  • Finish - QPQ Corrosion Resistant
  • Gas System Length - Pistol
  • Gas Block Journal - .750"
  • Dimpled
  • Twist Rate - 1:7 inches - 5R
  • Muzzle - 5/8x24 Threaded
  • Gas Port Size - .105"
  • Weight - 14oz

Please note: These barrels SHOULD cycle most supersonic ammunition without a suppressor; however, they will cycle most reliably with added back pressure provided by a suppressor or linear compensator.

Furthermore, if you do not plan on using a suppressor and would like to shoot light powered ammo, you can use one of our reduced power buffer springs and one of our lightweight carriers. The reduced mass in the action will help cycle with less gas.

In our testing, we were actually able to cycle subsonic ammunition without a suppressor, but with our reduced power buffer spring, our lightweight carrier and a linear compensator.

All NFA/ATF Rules Apply

Depending on your state and local laws, you could use this barrel with a lower receiver that is a Registered SBR, or Pistol. Possession of this barrel along with a Non-NFA lower receiver may be Prohibited. We are not lawyers and the above information is not legal advise. Make sure you understand the most up to date federal, state and local laws before proceeding with this product.